The Mound

When: Friday, 17th March
What: Mound climbing?
We took a post-lunch break and Derek showed me the 'mound' just oustide of Dayton. It is an interesting mound that appears to have been a burial mound of early inhabitants of the area. There are several around, but this is the one we went to. The views from the top are pretty cool.
You don't actually climb the mound, you climb the stairs on the side of the mound.

It was cold and windy that day and I about froze up on top of that hill.
I think the whole thing scared Derek, it made his hair stand on end, or maybe that was a special thing he did for the afternoon's adventure:

It is a look, but I am not sure it is one I would keep for very long.
So much for the mound, we then went to find out what some tall structure was, driving around corn and who knows what fields to find it. Turned out to be a silo of sorts, then we drove past a mound of a different type, the local landfill. That was a nice finish to the tour de jour.
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