mardi, mai 09, 2006

Replacing siding can be fun (?)

When: Saturday April 30th and Friday, May 5th

Well, it may not rank high on the list, but I had fun. Derek and I helped Bryan replace some of the siding on his house, which took a couple of days. Some high points? How is that you can measure a length of 139 inches on the wall, cut a piece of siding 139 inches long, and it be 4 inches short? We even remeasured. Finally gave up with the tape measure and just starting holding pieces up and cutting by sight.

The weather cooperated, so it was a good day for getting a tan. Actually, Derek and I kind of burned ourselves a bit (he actually burned alot). Now we are somewhat reptilian as we molt off the old burnt stuff (yuck!).

In the top picture Bryan is watching Derek as the work began.

This shot is after we took the old stuff off...and Derek took his shirt off. (It was Hot!!) Hence the burns....I was busy cutting angles to go up.

Followed this up with lunch at Penn Station and then putting the ladder in my rental car. That was ok, except we had to put the back seat down, push the passenger seat all the way up and set the incline on it to straight up. I got to sit there because Derek is too tall. I did look like one of those people who are strapped into their wheelchair. My legs barely went under the glove box and my head hit the sun visor. There was no room to move in any direction. At least I didn't drool!